
Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre - Queensland receives $6.2m funding from the Australian Government

The Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre - Queensland (APCRC-Q) will receive $6.2 million in funding from the Australian Government over the next four years as part of a broader Australian Government initiative to extend the network of dedicated prostate cancer research centres across Australia.
Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre - Queensland receives $6.2m funding from the Australian Government

Professor Colleen Nelson and Professor Judith Clements

The recent Federal Budget included funding of $18.5 million over four years to expand the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centres initiative. The APCRC-Q and the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre - Victoria will be extended and receive $6.2 million each. A new Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre will be established at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre in Sydney with an allocation of $5.5 million.

APCRC-Q Executive Director Professor Colleen Nelson said “In 2009 the Government established an unparalleled opportunity with this dedicated prostate cancer health initiative to bring together urologists, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, biomedical scientists and health economists to work in a team-based environment to translate discoveries into clinical impact.

The synergies created in linking the latest research findings and clinical care will greatly improve the management and outcomes of prostate cancer patients in Australia. We are delighted that this model of research has been recognised and will be built upon with further collaborative efforts across the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centres and throughout the larger prostate cancer research community.”

Professor Judith Clements, APCRC-Q’s Scientific Director said “This funding renewal builds on the initial outcomes of our first five years and recognises the importance of researchers being embedded within a clinical environment to facilitate research into the most important clinically relevant questions. The recent consolidation of our laboratories into the new Translational Research Institute on the Princess Alexandra Hospital campus further strengthens our translational capabilities.”

Working together towards a better future for prostate cancer patients

The APCRC-Q is a joint initiative between Queensland University of Technology's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation and the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

The APCRC-Q’s strength lies in its integrated, trans-disciplinary approach that spans the full spectrum of prostate cancer disease from the development of prostate cancer therapeutics and biomarkers, through to therapeutic response indicators to inform treatment options, and the evaluation of health services and health economics of delivering improved treatments to prostate cancer patients.

Professor Ross Young, QUT’s Faculty of Health Executive Dean said “Our commitment to furthering collaboration between scientists and clinicians in improving the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer is a crucial advance for men’s health.  We applaud the Australian Government’s investment in this internationally significant body of work. The outcomes of this research will be of global significance in terms of future improvements in health and the generation of expertise and new drug therapies.”

APCRC-Q Members

The APCRC-Q is dedicated to the translation of prostate cancer research from bench to bedside, with a strong emphasis on developing national and international collaborations. The Centre brings together a hospital and an academic institution and is a leading example of multi-disciplinary effort within a national research network. This operational model is strongly aligned with the recommendations of the McKeon review of national health and medical research.  The APCRC-Q is pleased to be at the forefront of championing and delivering this model of research to make clinical impact. The Centre is closely integrated with the Princess Alexandra Hospital, the Translational Research Institute and Diamantina Health Partners.

Professor David Theile, Chair of Diamantina Health Partners said “The approach of APCRC-Q which fully integrates scientific research with multidisciplinary practical care of patients gives great advantages in the fight against this very common cancer but also serves as an exemplary model in the bid to control diseases. This is strongly supported by Diamantina Health Partners.”

A multi-disciplinary team addresses the many facets of the disease

APCRC-Q used the initial $7.5m funding from the Australian Government to establish its large, coordinated multidisciplinary research team who will use the additional $6.2 million funding to improve diagnostic tests and treatments and their delivery for men with advanced prostate cancer.