
Mourning the Mo's

The wrap-up of Movember 2011 saw members of the APCRC-Q and the University of Queensland (UQ), come together to raise funds with a "Mourning the Mo's" morning tea.
Mourning the Mo's

Dr Raj Vasireddy, Mo-King Dr Stephen McPherson, and Dr Varinder Jeet

Co-ordinated by APCRC-Q, researchers and professional staff baked various goods to share with the attendees, whom paid a $2 entry fee to attend.

The 2011 Mo-King was crowned, with Postdoctoral Fellow Stephen McPherson taking out the title with his well-groomed handlebar moustache.

The event was a success and enjoyed by all.

These final funds added to the overall amount raised by the APCRC-Q Movember team.

A big thank-you to all who attended and donated funds to the cause.

Movember - Amanda & Mel Movember - Mourning the Mo's