
APCRC-Q’s Prof Pamela Russell wins 2015 Women in Technology Life Sciences Award

APCRC-Q Head of Imaging and Tumour Models, Professor Pam Russell, was awarded the Women in Technology (WiT) Life Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award at a gala event at the Royal International Convention Centre in Brisbane on Friday evening, 28 August 2015.

Prof Russell was recognised for her contribution to treating autoimmune diseases and generating bladder and prostate cancer models for study.

 “On behalf of the APCRC-Q I would like to congratulate Pam,” said Prof Colleen Nelson, Executive Director of the APCRC-Q. “This is a great achievement and very well-deserved.”

WiT president Fiona Hayes said the awards, now in their 18th year, continue to grow as nominations for this year were up by 50% across nine award categories. “The WiT awards celebrate women who are experts in their fields and succeeding in male dominated technology and life science positions. These women are exceptional role models for young women considering a career in technology or life sciences”, said Ms Hayes.