
Beatson International Cancer Conference

Event Type Conference
When Jul 05, 2014 11:00 PM to
Jul 09, 2014 07:00 AM
Where Glasgow, Scotland
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The Beatson International Cancer Conference series is designed to be a relaxed and friendly meeting where delegates and invited speakers have a chance to interact on both a scientific and social basis. We encourage the speakers to stay for the duration of the conference to ensure this interaction.

Once again, the conference will be held at Glasgow University, as the venue proved to be so successful last year. There are several events arranged to give you a taste of the culture and warmth of the West of Scotland and the scientific content of the conference is guaranteed to stimulate.

Aims of the conference

Metabolic rewiring is crucial for sustaining biomass growth and the survival of rapidly proliferating cells in a metabolically stressful environment. This meeting will focus on the oncogenic signals that initiate and regulate this metabolic rewiring, as well as on the adaptability of the metabolic network in response to stress.  New therapeutic opportunities in this field will be highlighted.

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